Company Data Overview

The table below provides an overview of each field in the Company Data Response.

urlString (URL)The URL of the company profile on LinkedIn.
company_nameStringThe username or identifier of the company on LinkedIn.
crawled_atString (DateTime)The date and time when the company data was crawled (e.g., "14/12/2024 07:27:51").
nameStringThe official name of the company (defaults to empty if not provided).
taglineStringThe tagline or slogan of the company (defaults to empty if not provided).
cover_image_urlString (URL)The URL of the company’s cover image on LinkedIn (defaults to empty if not provided).
logo_urlString (URL)The URL of the company’s logo on LinkedIn (defaults to empty if not provided).
employeesStringThe number of employees at the company (e.g., "15,149 employees").
followersStringThe number of followers of the company on LinkedIn (e.g., "4,015,075 followers").
aboutString or nullA summary or description of the company’s mission and overview (can be null if not provided).
websiteString or nullThe website URL of the company (can be null if not provided).
industryString or nullThe industry the company operates in (e.g., "Musicians") (can be null if not provided).
sizeString or nullThe size range of the company in terms of employees (e.g., "5,001-10,000 employees") (can be null if not provided).
headquartersString or nullThe location of the company’s headquarters (e.g., "Stockholm, Stockholm County") (can be null if not provided).
organizationTypeString or nullThe type of organization (e.g., "Public Company") (can be null if not provided).
foundedOnString or nullThe year the company was founded (e.g., "2006") (can be null if not provided).
specialtiesString or nullA list or description of the company’s specialties (can be null if not provided).
productsArray [Product Object]An array of Product objects representing the company’s products (defaults to empty).
Product.nameString or nullThe name of the product (can be null if not provided).
Product.linkString (URL) or nullThe LinkedIn URL of the product (can be null if not provided).
Product.urlString (URL) or nullThe external URL of the product (can be null if not provided).
Product.aboutString or nullA description or summary of the product (can be null if not provided).
Product.used_forArray [String]An array of uses or purposes of the product (defaults to empty if not provided).
Product.customersArray [String (URL)]An array of URLs representing customers or clients using the product (defaults to empty if not provided).
locationsArray [Location Object]An array of Location objects representing the company’s office locations.
LocationTuple [String, String (URL) or null]A tuple containing the address and map URL of a company location.