Resume Parser Overview

The table below provides an overview of each field in the Resume Parser Response.

basicBasic ObjectAn object containing basic personal and contact information of the profile.
Basic.first_nameStringThe first name of the individual (e.g., "Michael").
Basic.last_nameStringThe last name of the individual (e.g., "Anderson").
Basic.emailStringThe email address of the individual (e.g., "[email protected]").
Basic.phone_numberStringThe phone number of the individual (e.g., "(555) 123-4567").
Basic.locationStringThe location of the individual (e.g., "Reading, PA 78765").
Basic.portfolio_website_urlString (URL)The URL of the individual’s portfolio website (can be empty if not provided).
Basic.linkedin_urlString (URL)The LinkedIn URL of the individual (can be empty if not provided).
Basic.github_urlString (URL)The GitHub URL of the individual (can be empty if not provided).
Basic.universityStringThe name of the university attended (e.g., "UNIVERSITY ABC, Vancouver, Canada").
Basic.graduation_yearStringThe year of graduation (can be empty if not provided).
Basic.majorsStringThe major(s) or field of study (e.g., "Bachelor of Science, Metals and Materials Engineering").
summaryStringA summary or bio describing the individual’s professional background and skills.
work_experiencesArray [WorkExperience Object]An array of WorkExperience objects representing the individual’s work history.
WorkExperience.titleStringThe job title of the work experience (e.g., "New Product Introduction Technical Program Manager").
WorkExperience.companyStringThe name of the company for the work experience (e.g., "ABC CORPORATION").
WorkExperience.locationStringThe location of the work experience (e.g., "Reading, PA").
WorkExperience.summaryStringA description of the role, responsibilities, and achievements in the work experience.
WorkExperience.startDate ObjectRepresents the start date of the work experience.
WorkExperience.start.yearIntegerThe year the work experience began (e.g., 2020).
WorkExperience.start.monthIntegerThe month the work experience began (e.g., 0 for unspecified or January).
WorkExperience.endDate ObjectRepresents the end date of the work experience.
WorkExperience.end.yearIntegerThe year the work experience ended (e.g., 2024).
WorkExperience.end.monthIntegerThe month the work experience ended (e.g., 12 for December).
WorkExperience.durationDuration ObjectRepresents the duration of the work experience in years and months.
WorkExperience.duration.yearsIntegerThe total number of full years spent in the work experience (e.g., 4).
WorkExperience.duration.monthsIntegerThe additional months beyond full years (e.g., 0).
project_experiencesArray [ProjectExperience Object]An array of ProjectExperience objects representing the individual’s projects or achievements.
ProjectExperience.titleStringThe title of the project or achievement (e.g., "Certified Project Management Professional").
ProjectExperience.descriptionStringA description of the project or achievement (can be empty if not provided).
educationsArray [Education Object]An array of Education objects representing the individual’s educational background.
Education.schoolStringThe name of the school or university (e.g., "UNIVERSITY ABC").
Education.degreeStringThe degree earned (e.g., "Master of Business Administration").
Education.fieldStringThe field of study or major (e.g., "Mechanical Engineering") (can be empty if not provided).
Education.startDate ObjectRepresents the start date of the education.
Education.start.yearIntegerThe year the education began (e.g., 0 for unspecified).
Education.start.monthIntegerThe month the education began (e.g., 0 for unspecified).
Education.endDate ObjectRepresents the end date of the education.
Education.end.yearIntegerThe year the education ended (e.g., 0 for unspecified).
Education.end.monthIntegerThe month the education ended (e.g., 0 for unspecified).
certificationsArray [Certification Object]An array of Certification objects representing the individual’s certifications.
Certification.titleStringThe title of the certification (defaults to empty if not provided).
Certification.providerStringThe provider or issuer of the certification (defaults to empty if not provided).
languagesArray [Language Object]An array of Language objects representing the languages known by the individual.
Language.nameStringThe name of the language (e.g., "English").
skillsArray [Skill Object]An array of Skill objects representing the individual’s skills.
Skill.nameStringThe name of the skill (e.g., "Project Management").