Resume Review Overview

The table below provides an overview of each field in the Resume Review Response.

scoreIntegerThe overall score of the resume, out of 100 (e.g., 87).
resultResult ObjectAn object containing the review feedback for different sections of the resume.
Result.contactSectionReview ObjectFeedback on the contact information section of the resume. [String]A list of positive points about the contact information (e.g., "A professional email address is properly included."). [String]A list of negative points or suggestions for the contact information (e.g., "No LinkedIn profile linked. Tip: Provide a LinkedIn URL...").
Result.experiencesSectionReview ObjectFeedback on the work experiences section of the resume.
Result.experiences.prosArray [String]A list of positive points about the work experiences (e.g., "Job titles in the experience section are clearly defined.").
Result.experiences.consArray [String]A list of negative points or suggestions for the work experiences (can be empty if none).
Result.educationsSectionReview ObjectFeedback on the education section of the resume.
Result.educations.prosArray [String]A list of positive points about the education section (e.g., "University names are mentioned, detailing the academic journey.").
Result.educations.consArray [String]A list of negative points or suggestions for the education section (e.g., "Field of study missing in education. Tip: Indicate your major...").
Result.skillsSectionReview ObjectFeedback on the skills section of the resume.
Result.skills.prosArray [String]A list of positive points about the skills section (e.g., "Skills are listed, highlighting competencies and strengths.").
Result.skills.consArray [String]A list of negative points or suggestions for the skills section (can be empty if none).
Result.summarySectionReview ObjectFeedback on the summary or objective section of the resume.
Result.summary.prosArray [String]A list of positive points about the summary section (e.g., "A professional summary/objective is present, giving a career overview.").
Result.summary.consArray [String]A list of negative points or suggestions for the summary section (can be empty if none).
Result.formatSectionReview ObjectFeedback on the format and structure of the resume.
Result.format.prosArray [String]A list of positive points about the resume format (e.g., "PDF is a good format to share your resume.").
Result.format.consArray [String]A list of negative points or suggestions for the resume format (can be empty if none).
detailsResume Parser Response Objectthis field stores the resume parser response for this resume.